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Korean delegation visited FUW


A delegation from the KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS) visited the Faculty of Physics UW. The guests from South Korea met with representatives of the University authorities, the dean authorities of the Faculties: Physics, Chemistry and the Faculty of Oriental Studies, as well as the National Centre for Nuclear Research. The talks concerned the Nuclear Collaboration Centre, a European training centre for nuclear energy, being built at the UW's Faculty of Physics.

On 9-10 July 2024, a delegation from the Korean KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS) visited the UW Faculty of Physics. The Korean guests met with representatives of the University of Warsaw authorities, the dean authorities of the Faculties: Physics, Chemistry, and the Faculty of Oriental Studies, as well as the National Centre for Nuclear Research. The talks concerned the Nuclear Collaboration Centre (NCC), a European training centre for nuclear energy, which is being established at the University's Faculty of Physics, in collaboration with the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Faculty of Chemistry. It aims not only to facilitate cooperation in specialized training but also to foster interest in the Korean language and culture.

Fruitful Polish-Korean cooperation

The NCC Centre is being established under an agreement that UW reached in March this year with South Korean universities: KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS) and Busan National University (PNU) and the Korea Nuclear Association for International Cooperation (KNA). The establishment of the centre is the result of a long-standing teaching collaboration linking the UW and KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS), a leading Korean research centre specializing in the training of nuclear professionals. In 2020, an agreement was reached whereby UW students gain unique practical competences at the Korean university every year. Two years later, UW and KINGS signed an agreement to expand cooperation between the two universities on distance learning.

The Korean delegation consisted of Prof. Ju-youl Kim, Dean of External Affairs of the Nuclear Power Plant Engineering Department, Prof. Joo-il Yoon, Head of the Nuclear Power Plant Engineering Department, Prof. Ki-sig Kang, Prof. Keung-koo Kim, as well as Ms Hana Kim, Ms Chae Jeon Joo, Mr In-kyu Lee and Mr Cheol-sung Cho. The Korean guests were met by Prof. Zygmunt Lalak, Vice-Rector for Research UW, representatives of the Faculty of Physics UW: Prof. Wojciech Satuła, Dean Elect, Vice Dean for Research and Development, Prof. Krzysztof Turzyński, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, Prof. Agnieszka Korgul, Coordinator of Academic Cooperation between UW and KING, representatives of the Faculty of Chemistry UW: Prof. Sławomir Sęk, Dean-elect, Prof. Maciej Chotkowski, Dean-elect for Student Affairs, Dr. Karolina Pułka-Ziach, Dean-elect for Infrastructure and Development, representatives of the Faculty of Oriental Studies UW: Dean Prof. Piotr Taracha, Dean Elect Prof. Agata Bareja-Starzyńska, Dr. Anna Paradowska, as well as Marcin Kardas, NCBJ Deputy Director for Innovation and Implementation, and Dr Katarzyna Deja, Head of the NCBJ Education and Training Department.

Nuclear power engineering - the new course at the University of Warsaw

The University of Warsaw has been educating specialists for the Polish nuclear sector since 2011. The UW offered such majors as nuclear power engineering and chemistry, later also radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear chemistry and radiogenomics, organised by the UW Chemistry Faculty. Subsequently, a specialisation in nuclear reactor physics was created at the Faculty of Physics. This year, the Faculty of Physics of the UW is launching a three-and-a-half-year engineering degree programme in nuclear energy, a course being developed in collaboration with Korean partners. The project 'UW University for Nuclear Energy. Creation of a new faculty and remodelling of existing educational pathways related to nuclear energy' has received more than eight million zlotys in funding from the European Funds for Social Development 2021- 2027 (FERS) programme. Almost PLN 3.5 million will be used to provide scholarships for students and pay for student internships. The internships will also be carried out in cooperation with national nuclear sector units, the National Centre for Nuclear Research, the Institute of Chemistry and Nuclear Technology, the Radioactive Waste Neutralisation Plant and the Polish Nuclear Power Plants. Prof Krzysztof Turzyński and Prof Agnieszka Korgul lead the project.

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