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2025-06-05 (Thursday)
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Michalina Borczyńska (KMMF, University of Warsaw)

Symplectic orbifolds and applications

2025-05-29 (Thursday)
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Ian Anderson (Utah State University)

To be announced

2025-05-22 (Thursday)
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Piergiulio Tempesta (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

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2025-05-15 (Thursday)
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Ian Anderson (Utah State University)

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2025-05-08 (Thursday)
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Jakub Vašíček (Silesian University in Opava)

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2025-04-24 (Thursday)
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Artur Sergyeyev (Silesian University in Opava)

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2025-04-10 (Thursday)
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Julia Lange (University of Warsaw)

Reduction of twisted Poisson manifolds and applications to Hamilton-Jacobi equations

2025-04-03 (Thursday)
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Henrique Bursztyn (Instituto Nacional de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Brazil)

To be announced

2025-03-27 (Thursday)
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Vera Vertesi (University of Vienna)

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2025-03-20 (Thursday)
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Roberto Rubio (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

On higher Dirac structures

2025-03-13 (Thursday)
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Javier de Lucas (KMMF, University of Warsaw)

A gentle introduction to Dirac structues

2025-03-06 (Thursday)
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Jorge A. Jover Galtier (University of Zaragoza)

Analysis of a dynamical system: stability, chaos and synchronization of coupled Brusselators

Dynamical systems are sets of differential equations that govern the evolution of parameters of mathematical models with respect to time. Dynamical systems appear in a large number of fields, such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engeneering, etc. The analysis of dynamical systems can be done, in some cases, by direct integration of the equation of the model. This, however, is not possible in general. Instead, qualitative analysis may provide useful information about the system, such as equilibrium points, limit cycles, chaotic behavior, etc.In this talk, I will present a brief introduction to the theory of dynamical systems, as well as its application to a particular example. The Brusselator is a 2-variable model of a cyclic chemical reaction with interesting properties from the point of view of dynamical systems. I will present the main properties of the Brusselator system and describe a coupling among two and three Brusselators. This coupling provides the system with a rich variety of properties, such as chaotic behaviour, which my group has studied during the last years [1,2]. Lastly, I will describe how the analysis of coupled Brusselators allows us to study the synchronization properties of the model.[1] F. Drubi et al., "Connecting chaotic regions in the Coupled Brusselator System". Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 169, 113240 (2023).[2] A. Mayora-Cebollero et al., "Almost synchronization phenomena in the two and three coupled Brusselator systems", Physica D 472, 134457 (2025).
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