Second cycle studies
Students of the second degree study programme take part in scientific research, conducted by research teams at the Faculty of Physics.
In the academic year 2024/2025, the following programmes of full-time studies will be available (for more details of the programmes see directory website - in a language depending on the language of studies):
The aim of the Master’s Degree in Physics programme is to provide a deeper knowledge of physics and a specialization in a chosen subfield of physics, developing the relevant concepts and theoretical and experimental methods. Following the initial semester, students choose one from the following specializations:
- Methods of Physics in Economics (Econophysics)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics
- Nuclear Reactor Physics
- Photonics
- Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures
- Physics Teaching and Popularization
(conducted fully in English), with following specializations:
- Computer Modeling of Physical Phenomena
- Geophysics
- Optics
- Particle Physics
- Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures
- Theoretical Physics
Second degree studies in the Astronomy programme provide extensive training in the observational and theoretical methods of astronomical research, and familiarity with the contemporary state of knowledge in this field.
A new programme taught in English, where students will gain proficiency in quantum physics and chemistry, which will provide them with universal competences. Education in this field will be implemented to a large extent through participation in scientific research, self-education and tutoring.
The interface between physics and the biological sciences and medicine is one of the fastest growing areas of current scientific research, as well as a ground for the application of the most recent technologies. With this in mind, the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw offers inter-disciplinary second degree study programme, which gives a choice of three specialities:
- Molecular Biophysics
- Medical Physics
- Neuroinformatics
One-and-a-half-year second-cycle studies in the field of Optometry are practical studies preparing for performing vision therapy, correcting high myopia and geriatric optometry, i.e. optometric issues that are most important for the society. Acquired education will also allow you to conduct your own research and analysis and look for innovative solutions in the field of optometry.
Master's studies in the field of Nanoengineering at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw respond to the challenges facing 21st-century technology in the field of research and the use of new materials. Graduates gain specialist knowledge in condensed matter physics, micro-optics and photonics, and more importantly, understand the quantum phenomena behind the operation of nanodevices. Quantum technologies are not only a scientific challenge, but also an engineering one. The studies last 3 semesters, recruitment takes place for the summer semester. We invite graduates with the title of engineer (who graduated from engineering studies at the University of Warsaw or other universities) to the 2nd degree Nanoengineering.
Nanostructure Engineering discontinued programme
Physics and astronomy can also be studied as part of Interdisciplinary Individual Studies conducted by the College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Warsaw.
The Faculty of Physics also participates in other interesting programmes of the second cycle studies: