School outreach
Open classes in Physics is a comprehensive school outreach program including open lectures with spectacular experimental demonstrations, laboratory classes for pupils and dedicated lectures at schools. During the last year over 8000 pupils and teachers from junior-high and high schools from Warsaw and neighborhoods participated in the program.
Ask a Physicist allows anybody who is interested in physics to ask questions that are not easy to "google out" directly to the specialists in the field. To our great satisfaction many of the questions go deeply inside the fundamental understanding of laws of physics, and it is not uncommon that the questions are not trivial to answer even for the experts themselves.
Summer school of Physics. Each year during the summer holidays the Faculty organizes education activities for pupils. Last year pupils from over 80 schools participated in lectures and laboratory classes.
Play with Physics. The goal of the program is to encourage elementary school pupils to analyze physical phenomena. Pupils try to answer intriguing physic questions by performing simple experiments themselves.
National Seminar in Physics Teaching. A regular 40h course for school teachers acquainting them with the latest scientific research, modern teaching methods and school lab equipment.