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The foundation of the Polish Society on Relativity


On May 14th Polish physicists from several scientific institutions in Poland and abroad met at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (FUW) to set up the Polish Society on Relativity (PoToR). The aim of the Society will be to consolidate eminent Polish relativists into a thriving community, explained Prof. Jerzy Lewandowski (FUW), elected president of PoToR. We aim to promote the achievements of Polish relativity, bring the knowledge about the achievements of other communities in the field of the theory of relativity to Poland and ensure the best conditions that will make it possible for Polish students, PhD students and young scientists to engage in their own world-class research work in the cutting-edge fields of relativistic physics and mathematics of space-time, explained Prof. Lewandowski.

There are several thriving scientific centres in Poland conducting research on the theory of relativity and related issues, assured Prof. Teresa Rząca-Urban, dean of FUW, who took part in the meeting as its host. Seemingly abstract research frequently produces measurable results and practical applications when one least expects it thanks to the forerunners of relativity we nowadays know how to reap the benefits of nuclear energy, make efficient use of satellite navigation and have even gained insight into extremely subtle effects observed in solids, added the dean. But the most interesting things are those that we are yet to discover, adds Prof. Lewandowski. And naturally we have no way of predicting in what fields they may be useful.

The special and later on general theory of relativity belong to the handful of scientific concepts which shaped our civilization not only through their applications but also directly, through their impact on our understanding and perception of the world. Right from the early days following their announcement at the beginning of the last century they became the subject of heated disputes which far transcended the circle of specialists. Today they continue to stimulate imagination and despite innumerable observations confirming theaccuracy of their predictions, every now and then more or less serious doubts are raised as to the correctness and finiteness of these theories. The greatest challenge still ahead of scientists is to reconcile the general theory of relativity with quantum physics.

Relativity has also made a unique impact on mass culture. The famous E=mc2 formula is the best recognized physics formula. Scientific giants such as Albert Einstein or Steven Hawking have become icons of contemporary culture. Relativity is a rich source of inspiration for science fiction and fantasy writers. We intend to be open to public interests, to explain, introduce, build a good working relationship with the media and if necessary enter into creative disputes, assures the president of the Society. But one of our main tasks is to contribute to the organization of the GR20 world congress of relativists, which will take place in two years time at the University of Warsaw.

The members of the founding committee are Prof. Jerzy Lewandowski, Prof. Jacek Tafel (FUW) and Ryszard Kostecki, MSc (FUW). The board of the Society, elected on Saturday in Warsaw, includes, apart from Prof. Lewandowski (president), Prof. Jerzy Jurkiewicz (vice-president, dean of the Faculty of Physics, Jagiellonian University), Prof. Piotr Jaranowski (University of Bialystok), Prof. Marek Rogatko (Department of Theoretical Physics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University) and Prof. Jacek Tafel (FUW). The authorities of the Society also include Prof. Jacek Jezierski (FUW),Prof. Andrzej Borowiec (Faculty of Physics, University of Wrocław) and Prof. Andrzej Woszczyna (Faculty of Physics, Jagiellonian University). Among the founding members of the Society are the doyens of Polish relativity, Professors Andrzej Trautman, Stanisław Bażański and Jerzy Lukierski. In addition, the participants of the founding meeting adopted a resolution to invite honorary members. They are Abhay Ashtekar, Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, Ezra T. Newman and Sir Roger Penrose. These four eminent scientists have had an enormous impact on the development of research conducted in Poland. The founding meeting is the first step on the road to the official registration of the Society.

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