The most cited papers of the Faculty of Physics UW
Biophysics Division (continuation)
S. Eriksson, B. Kierdaszuk, B. Munch-Petersen, B. Oberg & N. G. Johansson
Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 176, 586-592 (1991) (over 150 citations)
Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 176, 586-592 (1991) (over 150 citations)
M. Remin & D. Shugar
Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 48, 636-642 (1972) (over 150 citations)
Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 48, 636-642 (1972) (over 150 citations)
B. Joshi, A.-L. Cai, B. D. Keiper, W. B. Minich, R. Mendez, C. M. Beach, J. Stepinski, R. Stolarski, E. Darzynkiewicz & R. E. Rhoads
Journal Of Biological Chemistry 270, 14597-14603 (1995) (over 150 citations)
Journal Of Biological Chemistry 270, 14597-14603 (1995) (over 150 citations)
H. Rosemeyer, G. Toth, B. Golankiewicz, Z. Kazimierczuk, W. Bourgeois, U. Kretschmer, H. P. Muth & F. Seela
Journal Of Organic Chemistry 55, 5784-5790 (1990) (over 100 citations)
Journal Of Organic Chemistry 55, 5784-5790 (1990) (over 100 citations)
U. Fischer, E. Darzynkiewicz, S. M. Tahara, N. A. Dathan, R. Lührmann & I. W. Mattaj
Journal Of Cell Biology 113, 705-714 (1991) (over 100 citations)
Journal Of Cell Biology 113, 705-714 (1991) (over 100 citations)
Stepinski, J; Waddell, C; Stolarski, R; et al.
RNA 7, 1486-1495 (2001) (over 100 citations)
RNA 7, 1486-1495 (2001) (over 100 citations)
E. Izaurralde, J. Stepinski, E. Darzynkiewicz & I. W. Mattaj
Journal Of Cell Biology 118, 1287-1295 (1992) (over 100 citations)
Journal Of Cell Biology 118, 1287-1295 (1992) (over 100 citations)
G. Mathonnet, M. R. Fabian, Y. V. Svitkin, A. Parsyan, L. Huck, T. Murata, S. Biffo, W. C. Merrick, E. Darzynkiewicz, R. S. Pillai, W. Filipowicz, T. F. Duchaine & N. Sonenberg
Science 317, 1764-1767 (2007) (over 100 citations)
Science 317, 1764-1767 (2007) (over 100 citations)
J. Sepio, Z. Kazimierczuk & D. Shugar
Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-Journal Of Biosciences 31, 361-370 (1976) (over 100 citations)
Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-Journal Of Biosciences 31, 361-370 (1976) (over 100 citations)
J. Antosiewicz, J. M. Briggs, A. H. Elcock, M. K. Gilson & J. A. Mccammon
Journal Of Computational Chemistry 17, 1633-1644 (1996) (over 100 citations)
Journal Of Computational Chemistry 17, 1633-1644 (1996) (over 100 citations)
Biomedical Physics Division
M.J. Kaminski, K.J. Blinowska
Biological Cybernetics 65, 203-210 (1991) (over 400 citations)
Biological Cybernetics 65, 203-210 (1991) (over 400 citations)
M. Kaminski, M.Z. Ding, W.A.Truccolo, S. Bressler
Biological Cybernetics 85, 145-157 (2001) (over 150 citations)
Biological Cybernetics 85, 145-157 (2001) (over 150 citations)
H. van Beijeren, R. Kutner, H. Spohn
Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 2026-2029 (1985) (over 150 citations)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 2026-2029 (1985) (over 150 citations)
C.J. Stam, J.P.M. Pijn, P. Suffczynski, F.H.L Da Silva
Clinical Neurophysiology 110, 1801-1813 (1999) (over 150 citations)
Clinical Neurophysiology 110, 1801-1813 (1999) (over 150 citations)
Kus, R; Kaminski, M; Blinowska, KJ
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Volume: 51 Issue: 9 Pages: 1501-1510 Published: SEP 2004 (over 150 citations)
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Volume: 51 Issue: 9 Pages: 1501-1510 Published: SEP 2004 (over 150 citations)
Lopes da Silva, F; Blanes, W; Kalitzin, SN; Parra, J; Suffczynski, P; Velis, D.
EPILEPSIA Volume: 44 Supplement: 12 Pages: 72-83 Published: 2003 (over 150 citations)
EPILEPSIA Volume: 44 Supplement: 12 Pages: 72-83 Published: 2003 (over 150 citations)
R. Kutner
Phys. Lett. A 23, 239-240 (1981) (over 100 citations)
Phys. Lett. A 23, 239-240 (1981) (over 100 citations)
Korzeniewska, A; Manczak, M; Kaminski, M; et al.
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS Volume: 125 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 195-207 Published: MAY 30 2003 (over 100 citations)
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS Volume: 125 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 195-207 Published: MAY 30 2003 (over 100 citations)
H. van Beijeren, K.W. Kehr, R. Kutner
Phys. Rev. B 28, 5711-5723 (1983) (over 100 citations)
Phys. Rev. B 28, 5711-5723 (1983) (over 100 citations)
K.W. Kehr, R. Kutner, K. Binder
Phys. Rev. B 23, 4931-4945 (1981) (over 100 citations)
Phys. Rev. B 23, 4931-4945 (1981) (over 100 citations)