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University Astronomers Discover a New Mechanism of Pulsating Star Formation


The international research team led by Prof. Grzegorz Pietrzyński from the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw (AOUW) has published a fascinating paper in the prestigious journal Nature, reporting surprising findings about a unique binary star system near the centre of the Milky Way.

Efficient waveguide source of precisely controlled photons


Photons with precisely specified properties are indispensable to nearly all experiments in quantum optics as well as in a growing number of its applications. Scientists from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw have constructed a device which makes the generation of such photons easier and less expensive.

Gamma-ray bursts shed light on the nature of dark energy


Although astronomers observe the cosmological effects of the impact of dark energy, they still do not know exactly what it is. A new method for measuring the largest distances in the Universe developed by scientists from our Faculty, and from the University of Naples Federico II helps solve the mystery. A key role is played by the most powerful cosmic explosions – gamma-ray bursts.

Cosmological evolution of dark matter is similar to that of visible matter.


Large cosmic structures made up of dark and normal matter evolve along the same lines – this is one of the most important conclusions emerging from the latest computer simulations. The performed calculations mark the culmination of many years of work by a Polish, German and Russian team of astrophysicists and cosmologists.

The foundation of the Polish Society on Relativity


The founding meeting of the Polish Society on Relativity took place on Saturday, May 14th, at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. Scientists from Warsaw, Cracow, Wrocław, Lublin and Białystok as well as Polish scientists working abroad decided to join their efforts to consolidate the Polish community of space-time and gravity researchers. The Society will consolidate eminent Polish relativists into a thriving community, and promote the achievements of the Polish science.

Modified mRNA is the key to novel anti-cancer therapy


Modern gene therapies raise hopes of combating many diseases until now considered terminal. Nowadays, however, the methods are expensive and carry a risk of severe complications. Modifications of ribonucleic acid mRNA introduced by scientists from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw in collaboration with the Louisiana State University are blazing a trail for safer and more effective gene drugs. Clinical trials of the first new-generation anti-cancer vaccine, developed in Germany with the aid of the Polish invention, will begin already later this year.

Quantum cryptography is not picky, physicists prove


The latest experiment with photonic entanglement, conducted by Polish physicists working in the consortium National Laboratory for Quantum Technologies, may be of vital importance to make quantum cryptography a more widespread technology. It has been demonstrated that secret communication based on quantum phenomena, which guarantees unconditional security against eavesdropping, can be also realized using sources of quantum entanglement considered until now to be too corrupt.

The birth of time: Quantum loops describe the evolution of the Universe


What was the Big Bang and what happened before it? Scientists from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw have attempted to answer the question. Within the framework of loop quantum gravity they have put forward a new theoretical model, which might prove useful for validating hypotheses about events prior to the Big Bang. This genuinely groundbreaking achievement is one of the few models describing the full Einstein's theory and not merely its greatly simplified version.

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