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Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw > Events > Seminars > Exact Results in Quantum Theory & Gravity
2012-05-25 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Michał Artymowski

Vector fields in cosmology and quantum cosmology

2012-05-18 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Piotr Sułkowski (IFT UW)

On knots, strings and quantum fields. Part 2: Volume conjecture and emergent geometry

Volume conjecture relates knot invariants to hyperbolic geometry and the volume of knot complements. In this talk we will present physical formulation of the volume conjecture in terms of Chern-Simons theory, its relations to string theory, and phenomena such as emergent and noncommutative geometry arising in this context, which are currently actively studied.Note: This is the second (albeit self-contained) of the two talks devoted to knots, strings and quantum fields. The first talk will be presented as the "Gravity seminar", also on May 18th. See also:
2012-05-11 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Simone Speziale

Twistorial path integral for loop quantum gravity amplitudes

The dynamics of loop quantum gravity can be studied in a covariant way using the spin foam formalism, which provides a path integral for spin networks. The most successful spin foam model so far is the EPRL model, and its generalization studied in Warsaw. In my talk, I will discuss how these amplitudes represent histories of discrete geometries. In particular, I will present a new and elegant derivation of the amplitude in terms of twistors, and discuss some of its semiclassical properties.
2012-04-27 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Michał Dziendzikowski (IFT UW)

Diffeomorphism constraint in LQG

2012-04-20 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Adam Latosiński (IFT UW)

Axion from B-L symmetry

2012-04-13 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Adam Latosiński (IFT UW)

What is axion for?

2012-03-30 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Tomasz Pawłowski

How quantum geometry sees the singularity

2012-03-23 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Emanuele Alesci

Linking canonical and covariant LQG: New solutions to the Hamiltonian constraint

2012-03-16 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Jakub Mielczarek

Cosmological perturbations at the Planck epoch

2012-03-09 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Norbert Bodendorfer

On higher dimensional generalisations of loop quantum (super)gravity

2012-03-02 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Bogusław Broda

The Ricci dark energy. A "microscopic" approach

The Ricci dark energy is a brand of holographic dark energy which follows from black hole arguments ("phenomenological" approach). Instead we propose some arguments referring to quantum field theory, in the spirit of the traditional interpretation of dark energy as vacuum energy. In spite of the fact that our approach is not much more rigorous than the original one but it permits to estimate the free parameter of the Ricci dark energy which appears to be astonishingly close to observational expectations.
2012-02-24 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Przemysław Majewski (KMMF UW)

O algebrach łącznych i nie, część druga

2012-02-17 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Przemysław Majewski (KMMF UW)

O algebrach łącznych i nie, część pierwsza

2012-01-20 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Magdalena Zych

Quantum interferometric visibility as a witness of general relativistic proper time

Current attempts to probe general relativistic effects in quantum mechanics focus on precision measurements of phase shifts in matter-wave interferometry. Yet, phase shifts can always be explained as arising from the Aharonov-Bohm effect, where a particle in a flat space-time is subject to an effective potential. Additionally, all current experiments with matter-waves probe only the Newtonian limit of gravity. Here we propose a quantum effect that cannot be explained without the general relativistic notion of proper time. We consider interference of a clock - a particle with evolving internal degrees of freedom - that will not only display a phase shift but also reduce the visibility of the interference pattern. According to general relativity, proper time flows at different rates in different regions of space-time. In quantum mechanics, there is a tradeoff between the visibility of interference pattern obtained with a single particle in a superposition and the amount of the information about the path taken by the particle. Such a tradeoff is an example of the quantum complementarity principle, first proposed by Niels Bohr. Therefore, the visibility of interference pattern will drop to the extent to which the path information becomes available in the clock. Experimental verification of this gravitationally induced decoherence would thus provide the first test of the genuine general relativistic notion of proper time in quantum mechanics.
2012-01-13 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Rafał Suszek

The Gauge Principle in 2d sigma-models/critical string theory II

2012-01-11 (Wednesday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Rafał Suszek

The Gauge Principle in 2d sigma-models/critical string theory

In these lectures, I shall discuss various geometric and field-theoretic aspects of the Gauge Principle for multi-phase sigma-models with a topological (Wess-Zumino) term, as formulated by K.Gawędzki, K.Waldorf and myself in the framework of gerbe theory and generalised geometry. The focus shall be on universal structures and constructions rather than peculiarities of the 2d setting in hand. Thus, upon recalling some field-theoretic, geometric and categorial prerequisites (the world-sheet description of multi-phase CFT, the 2-category of bundle gerbes with connection, and basic theory of (Lie) groupoids and algebroids), I shall elaborate on the following issues:- a groupoidal/algebroidal description of rigid symmetries, its generalised-geometric interpretation and a nice picture of the local gauge anomaly;- rendering rigid symmetries local - the minimal coupling recipe and beyond;- the Principle of (2-)Categorial Descent, and equivariant structures (bundles, gerbes etc.);- the role of (topologically) non-trivial gauge bundles in the construction of a consistent model on the symmetry coset;- (equivariant-)cohomological classification of obstructions to gauging and inequivalent variants thereof.Time permitting, I shall also outline possible applications of the framework described in an attempt at understanding T-duality (resp. mirror symmetry) for toroidally fibred target spaces, and the (non-)geometry of T-folds.
2011-12-16 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Michał P. Heller

Warsztaty z AdS/CFT i zastosowań

2011-12-09 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:00  Calendar icon
Yaser Tavakoli

Singularities in Classical and Quantum Gravity

2011-12-02 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Jan Dereziński (KMMF UW)

Otwarte problemy na temat równania Diraca-Coulomba

2011-11-25 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Marcin Kisielowski (IFT UW)

On Feynman diagrams for Loop Quantum Gravity

2011-11-18 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Jean-Pierre Gazeau

Quantization with (pseudo)-action & angle coherent states

2011-11-04 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Michał Wrochna (KMMF UW)

QFT in external potentials and Hadamard states

2011-10-28 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Michał Dziendzikowski (IFT UW)

Diffeomorphism covariant representations of quantum observables

2011-10-21 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Michal Artymowski

Inflation driven by the Higgs field

2011-10-14 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Marcin Napiórkowski (KMMF UW)

The Excitation Spectrum for Weakly Interacting Bosons II

2011-10-07 (Friday)
Sali Duża Teoretyczna (229), Hoża 69 at 14:15  Calendar icon
Marcin Napiórkowski (KMMF UW)

The Excitation Spectrum for Weakly Interacting Bosons I

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