Optics Seminar
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2010-05-27 (Thursday)
dr hab. Mirosław Brewczyk (Umiwersytet w Białymstoku)
Efekt Einsteina - de Haasa w kondensatach atomów alkalicznych
2010-05-20 (Thursday)
Dr Uwe Dorner (Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford)
Quantum Enhanced Metrology: Optimal Phase Estimation in Optical and Atomic Interferometry
The strong sensitivity of certain quantum states to small variations of external parameters opens up great opportunities for devising high-precision measurements with unprecedented accuracy. A particularly important physical measurement technique is interferometry which has countless applications in science and technology. Understanding limits on its performance in realistic situations is therefore of great importance.In this talk I will present possibilities for improved phase estimation in optical and atomic (Ramsey type) interferometry using highly non-classical input states. In particular, this will include a discussion of the fundamental limits of the achievable precision in the presence of noise which is experimentally unavoidable and threatens to destroy the employed quantum state and therefore potential improvements in precision. The quantum states corresponding to these limits thus represent an optimal trade-off between robustness with respect to noise and quantum improvement in phase estimation. I will furthermore discuss alternative states and strategies leading to slightly smaller precision but which are potentially easier to implement and therefore more relevant for experiments.
2010-05-13 (Thursday)
dr Ludmiła Praxmeyer (IF UMK Toruń)
Hybrid quantum repeaters
2010-05-06 (Thursday)
prof. Bożena Jaskórzyńska (Royal Institute of Technology, Szwecja)
Silicon and plasmon waveguides for integrated nanophotonics
2010-04-29 (Thursday)
dr Michał Matuszewski (IF PAN)
Solitony w ośrodkach koloidalnych: szczypce optyczne ze sprzężeniem zwrotnym
2010-04-22 (Thursday)
mgr Martins Bruvelis (Laser Centre of University of Latvia)
Spatial control of Na excitation by means of interference due to Autler-Townes effect and Doppler profile particularities in supersonic beam
2010-04-15 (Thursday)
mgr Piotr Kolenderski (UMK Toruń)
Inżynieria par fotonów
2010-04-08 (Thursday)
prof. Kazimierz Rzążewski (Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN)
Statystyka Bosego i pola klasyczne
2010-03-18 (Thursday)
Zimne atomy strontu
2010-03-11 (Thursday)
dr Zbigniew Idziaszek (IFT UW)