Optics Seminar
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2019-09-13 (Friday)
Dr Przemysław Bienias (Joint Quantum Institute, NIST, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA)
Self-bound clusters made out of light
Recently, the combination of slow light polaritons with the strong interactions between Rydberg atoms has emerged as a promising system for inducing a strong interaction between photons. Potential applications range from the implementation of phase gate for photons to single-photon sources, as well as the generation of strongly correlated states of photons. I present our theoretical and experimental studies of strongly interacting photons. I show that these interacting photons can be used to prepare exotic and non-classical states of light. In the regime of attractive interactions, we identify multiple two-polariton bound states, calculate their dispersion, and study the resulting scattering resonances. For three-polaritons, we study the influence of the three-body force on the bound states. Finally, we propose a method of engineering novel molecular-like interactions between polaritons leading to self-bound clusters made out of light.
2019-06-13 (Thursday)
prof Olivier Dulieu (Laboratoire Aime Cotton, Orsay, Francja)
Ultracold doubly-polar molecules: on the way to create them
2019-06-06 (Thursday)
prof. Hanns-Christoph Nägerl (Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck)
Quantum dynamics in strongly correlated one-dimensional Bose gases
Abstract: I will give an overview on the experiments in my group with ultracold, quantum degenerate atoms confined to one-dimensional (1D) geometry, with focus on two different model systems. We have realized 1D Hubbard chains and have studied correlated tunneling dynamics when the many-body system is suddenly exposed to a strong force. This has allowed us to observe how interacting quantum particles prepared in the Mott-insulating phase tunnel through multiple wells of the lattice potential in a situation where a single particle cannot move at all [1]. Our studies further comprise the coherent evolution of an interacting superfluid that exhibits Bloch-oscillations modulated by interaction-driven collapse and revival dynamics [2]. In a certain parameter regime, the transition to quantum chaotic behavior can be observed. The second system of interest constitutes a uniform Luttinger liquid with highly tunable interactions. We have probed the dynamics of a strongly coupled impurity atom injected into the liquid and have found an intriguing Bloch-oscillation type motion induced in the correlated system in the absence of an imprinted lattice structure [3].[1] F. Meinert et al., Science 344, 1259 (2014).[2] F. Meinert et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 193003 (2014).[3] F. Meinert et al., Science 356, 945 (2017).
2019-05-30 (Thursday)
dr Klaudia Dradrach (IFD UW)
Laser manipulation in liquids
2019-05-23 (Thursday)
dr inż. Łukasz Kłosowski (UMK Toruń)
Collisions in crossed beam and ion trap experiments
2019-05-16 (Thursday)
mgr Rafał Ołdziejewski (Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN)
Droplet-soliton phase transition in quasi-1D dipolar bose gas
2019-05-08 (Wednesday)
Seminaium nie odbędzie się
2019-04-25 (Thursday)
dr Anat Daniel (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel)
Controlling coherent light by Wave front shaping
2019-04-11 (Thursday)
prof. dr hab. Józef Sienkiewicz (Politechnika Gdańska)
Dynamics of rotational predissociation of LiH and KLi
Adiabatic potential energy curves of were calculated by means of pseudopotentialmethod. Very good agreement between the calculated and the experimental curvesallowed for a reliable description of the dissociation process through potentialenergy barriers. The barrier supports several rovibrational quasi-bound states andexplicit time evolution of these states via the time-dependent nuclear Schroedingerequation showed that the state populations decay exponentially in time. We wereable to precisely describe the time-dependent dissociation process of severalrovibrational levels and found that our calculated spectrum match very well withthe assigned experimental spectrum. Moreover, our approach is able to predictthe positions of previously unassigned lines, particularly in the case of theirlow intensity.
2019-04-04 (Thursday)
Prof. Rene Gerritsma (Uniwersytet w Amsterdamie)
Cooling an atom-ion hybrid system to the quantum regime
In recent years, a novel field of physics and chemistry has developedin which trapped ions and ultracold atomic gases are made to interactwith each other. These systems find applications in studying quantumchemistry and collisions [1], and a number of quantum applications areenvisioned such as ultracold buffergas cooling of the trapped ionquantum computer and quantum simulation of fermion-phonon coupling[2]. Up until now, however, the ultracold temperatures required forthese applications have not been reached, because the electric trapsused to hold the ions cause heating during atom-ion collisions [3]. Inour experiment, we overlap a cloud of ultracold 6Li atoms in a dipoletrap with a 171Yb+ ion in a Paul trap. The large mass ratio of thiscombination allows us to suppress trap-induced heating. For the veryfirst time, we buffer gas-cooled a single Yb+ ion to temperaturesclose to the quantum (or s-wave) limit for 6Li-Yb+ collisions. We findsignificant deviations from classical predictions for the temperaturedependence of the spin exchange rates in these collisions. Our resultsopen up the possibility to study trapped atom-ion mixtures in thequantum regime for the first time. Finally, I will present a novel wayto control interactions between atoms and ions, that employsRydberg-coupling of the atoms to tune their polarizability [4,5].[1] M Tomza et al., arXiv:1708.07832 (2017).[2] U. Bissbort et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 080501 (2013).[3] M. Cetina et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 253201 (2012).[4] T. Secker et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 263201 (2017).[5] N. Ewald et al., arXiv:1809.03987 (2018).