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2009-10-29 (Thursday)
SSD at 09:15  Calendar icon
dr Rupesh Kumar (University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy)

Two-way Quantum Communication at Telecom Wavelength

The talk will be on the implementation of a two way quantum communication protocol, the LM05, at telecom wavelength over opticalfiber. Various aspects of the communication such as, state preparation, encoding/decoding of information and detection will comeunder the discussion. Furthermore, description on faithful quantum key distribution, between two legitimate users, for performing symmetriccryptography will be given. A brief on the comparative study of LM05 with the protocol BB84 will conclude the talk.
2009-10-22 (Thursday)
SSD at 09:15  Calendar icon
dr Katarzyna Krajewska (IFT UW)

Electron-positron pair creation in intense laser fields

2009-10-15 (Thursday)
SSD at 09:15  Calendar icon
dr Wojciech Wasilewski (IFD UW)

Magnetometry at the quantum limit of sensitivity and beyond

2009-10-08 (Thursday)
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