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Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw > Events > Seminars > Soft Matter and Complex Systems Seminar
2014-05-30 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
Piotr Stępnicki (IF PAN)

Universal Computation by Multiparticle Quantum Walk

Quantum walk is a time-homogeneous quantum-mechanical process on a graph defined by analogy to classical random walk. The quantum walker is a particle that moves from a given vertex to adjacent vertices in quantum superposition. During the course of seminar I will consider a Bose-Hubbard model and systems of fermions or distinguishable particles with nearest-neighbor interactions, and show that multiparticle quantum walk for such system is capable of universal quantum computation.
The beginning of the seminar will be devoted to the notion of universal computation.
The seminar will be based on paper: "Universal Computation by Multiparticle Quantum Walk", Science 339, 6121 (2013) by D.Gosset, Z.Webb, AM.Childs.

Quantum walk is a time-homogeneous quantum-mechanical process on a graph defined by analogy to classical random walk. The quantum walker is a particle that moves from a given vertex to adjacent vertices in quantum superposition. During the course of seminar I will consider a Bose-Hubbard model and systems of fermions or distinguishable particles with nearest-neighbor interactions, and show that multiparticle quantum walk for such system is capable of universal quantum computation.
The beginning of the seminar will be devoted to the notion of universal computation.
The seminar will be based on paper: "Universal Computation by Multiparticle Quantum Walk", Science 339, 6121 (2013) by D.Gosset, Z.Webb, AM.Childs.
2014-05-23 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
Mateusz Wiliński (IFD UW)

Intra-day variability of the stock market activity and stationarity of the financial time series - the statistical physics approach

Intra-day changes of the activity on stock market is a well-knownempirical fact observed all around the world on different types of market.This specific pattern of activity is often called the lunch effect.Observed seasonality suggest non-stationarity of high frequency financialtime series. However, estimators of the stationary processes are commonlyused (e.g. autocorrelation function estimator). Our aim is to analyticallydescribe this seasonality and use it to transform the time series in sucha way to make it stationary. We present exact formula connecting estimatorof the autocorrelation functions of non-stationary process and itsstationary counterpart. This formula describes the impact of the intra-dayactivity pattern on the autocorrelation function. Furthermore, we applyour model to stationary Continuous-Time Random Walk model with memory, toimprove its agreement with empirical data.
2014-05-16 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
Rafał Ołdziejewski (WF UW)

Wyznaczanie czynnika strukturalnego S(q) w symulacjach komputerowych

Czynnik strukturalny to ważna wielkość w fizyce zawiesin, którą można bezpośrednio mierzyć w eksperymentach rozproszeniowych na zawiesinach. W wielu przypadkach wyniki teoretyczne i doświadczalne porównuje się z danymi otrzymanymi w symulacjach komputerowych układu. Wiąże się to z problemem ustalonej liczby cząstek w symulowanych układach. W swoim referacie szczegółowo omówię jedną z metod radzenia sobie z tym problemem oraz przedstawię wyniki uzyskane poprzez jej zastosowanie.
2014-04-25 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
Florian Osselin (IFT UW)

Poromechanical modeling of the crystallization of salt carbon dioxide injection in deep saline aquifers

In a context of international reduction of greenhouse gases emissions, CCS (CO2 Capture and Storage) appears as a particularly interesting midterm solution. Indeed, geological storage capacities may raise to several millions of tons of CO2 injected per year, allowing to reduce substantially the atmospheric emissions of this gas. One of the most interesting targets for the development of this solution are the deep saline aquifers. These aquifers are geological formations containing brine whose salinity is often higher than sea water's, making it unsuitable for human consumption. However, this solution has to cope with numerous technical issues, and in particular, the precipitation of salt initially dissolved in the aquifer brine. Consequences of this precipitation are multiple, but the most important is the modification of the injectivity i.e. the injection capacity. Knowledge of the influence of the precipitation on the injectivity is particularly important for both the storage efficiency and the storage security and durability. The aim of this PhD work is to compare the relative importance of negative (clogging) and positive (fracturing) phenomena following CO2 injection and salt precipitation. Because of the numerous simulations and modelling results in the literature describing the clogging of the porosity, it has been decided to focus on the mechanical effects of the salt crystallization and the possible deformation of the host rock. A macroscopic and microscopic modelling has then been developed, taking into account two possible modes of evaporation induced by the spatial distribution of residual water, in order to predict the behavior of a porous material subjected to the drying by carbon dioxide injection. Results show that crystallization pressure created by the growth of a crystal in a confined medium can reach values susceptible to locally exceed the mechanic resistance of the host rock, highlighting the importance of these phenomena in the global mechanical behavior of the aquifer. At the experimental level, the study of a rock core submitted to the injection of supercritical carbon dioxide has been proceeded on a new reactive percolation prototype in order to obtain the evolution of permeabilities in conditions similar to these of a deep saline aquifer.
2014-04-11 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
Konrad Bajer (IGF UW, ICM UW)

Magnetic field relaxation

2014-04-04 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
Piotr Stępnicki (IF PAN)

Universal Computation by Multiparticle Quantum Walk

Quantum walk is a time-homogeneous quantum-mechanical process on a graph defined by analogy to classical random walk. The quantum walker is a particle that moves from a given vertex to adjacent vertices in quantum superposition. We consider a generalization to interacting systems with more than one walker, such as the Bose-Hubbard model and systems of fermions or distinguishable particles with nearest-neighbor interactions, and show that multiparticle quantum walk is capable of universal quantum computation.
2014-03-28 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
dr Marta Borysiewicz [IFD], prof. W. Bardyszewski [IFT]

Resonant tunneling through single layer GaAs-AlAs-GaAs heterostructures

The process of resonant tunneling through a single AlAs barrier which relies on elastic intervalley transfers between different band minima in the GaAs-AlAs system is studied both experimentally and theoretically. Within the framework of the tight-binding approach it is possible to identify the characteristic features on the I-V curve as resonances in the transmission coefficient related to the localized states in the barrier. However the overall shape of the I-V curve and especially its slope at low currents remains a mystery.
2014-03-21 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
Anna Ochab-Marcinek (IChF PAN)

Dynamic depletion layer

An object immersed in a solution of non-adsorbing polymers issurrounded by a layer where the monomer concentration is lower than inthe bulk solution. How does the depletion layer influence the motionof objects through the solution? We present some theoretical andexperimental results on the diffusive motion of microscopic objectsand on the directed motion of macroscopic objects in the presence ofdepletion layer.
2014-03-14 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
prof. dr hab. Bogdan Cichocki (IFT UW)

In Memoriam Nicolaas Godfried van Kampen 1921-2013

Na seminarium przedstawię pokrótce sylwetkę niedawno zmarłego Nico van Kampena, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jego wkładu do fizyki statystycznej.
2014-03-07 (Friday)
Sali Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, Hoża 69 at 09:30  Calendar icon
Agnieszka M. Slowicka and Maria L. Ekiel-Jezewska (IPPT PAN)

Dynamics of flexible fibers in shear flow

Dynamics of flexible fibers in shear flow under low-Reynolds-number has been investigated numerically. Depending on the ratio of the fiber bending energy to its hydrodynamic energy, different modes of the dynamics have been found.
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