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Soft Matter and Complex Systems Seminar

Sala Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, ul. Hoża 69
2014-03-28 (09:30) Calendar icon
dr Marta Borysiewicz [IFD], prof. W. Bardyszewski [IFT]

Resonant tunneling through single layer GaAs-AlAs-GaAs heterostructures

The process of resonant tunneling through a single AlAs barrier which relies on elastic intervalley transfers between different band minima in the GaAs-AlAs system is studied both experimentally and theoretically. Within the framework of the tight-binding approach it is possible to identify the characteristic features on the I-V curve as resonances in the transmission coefficient related to the localized states in the barrier. However the overall shape of the I-V curve and especially its slope at low currents remains a mystery.


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