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Wydział Fizyki UW > Badania > Seminaria i konwersatoria > Wydarzenie (z logowaniem)

Multimedialne seminarium z ekono- i socjofizyki

sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-05-21 (18:30)
Michał Chorowski (Wydział Fizyki UW)

Model Sznajdów i jego zastosowania
Sznajd Model and its applications

The Sznajd Model (SM) is a sociophysics model of opinion formation. It applies the idea of social validation, which means that people are doing what they observe other people doing. The hope is to create a model of local psychological interactions that will result in global sociological phenomena. In my talk, I will explain how this psychological idea has been applied in the SM using only simple rules for spin interactions. I will present some of the results of the model and discuss its applications.


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