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Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery

sala 17 budynku przy ul. Pasteura 7,
2007-07-02 (14:15) Calendar icon
dr Bjorn Stevens (UCLA, Dep't of Atmos and Ocean Sci )

Shallow Moist Convection

Recent experiments using a pair of general circulation models show that differences between the climates simulated by these models can largely be attributed to shallow cumulus convection. Thse differences explain the significantly differing climate sensitivity of the two models. Our results are used to motivate a broader range of work (over the past 5 years) which explores the constraints and feedbacks between cloud dynamic and microphysical processes. We identify some new physical constraints, quantify some old ones, and help show how the very processes that make shallow convection so difficult to represent are also what make them so interesting.


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