Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery
sala 17 budynku przy ul. Pasteura 7,
dr Piotr Smolarkiewicz (National Center for Atmospheric Researc, Boulder, Colorado, USA)
EULAG: high-resolution computational model for research of multi-scale geophysical fluid dynamics
EULAG (Eulerian/semi-Lagrangian numerical model for fluids) is an established computational model for simulating thermo-fluid flows across a wide range of scales and physical scenarios. It is noteworthy for its non-oscillatory semi-implicit integration algorithms, robust elliptic solver, and generalized coordinate formulation enabling grid adaptivity technology. Here we summarize the mathematical and numerical model design and illustrate its capabilities with examples of simulations of high Reynolds number flows throughout a range of scales and problems, from canonical decaying turbulence in a triply-periodic box through breaking of internal gravity waves in the Earth's atmosphere, to turbulent solar convection.