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Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego

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2024-11-14 (10:15) Calendar icon
Dr Peter Plattner (CERN)

The nuclear charge radius of 26mAl and its implication for Vud in the quark mixing matrix

In the Standard Model, the CKM matrix is expected to be unitary, but recent reviews indicate a ≈2.2σ deviation from unitarity. The most precise determination of Vud relies on superallowed nuclear β-decays, which depend on accurate experimental values, including the charge radii of superallowed β-emitters. Among these emitters, 26mAl plays a crucial role, yet its charge radius has remained undetermined. This seminar will present the experimental techniques used to measure the charge radius of 26mAl and explore the implications of this measurement for refining Vud and testing the CKM matrix unitarity."

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