Seminarium "Modeling of Complex Systems"
sala 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5
Dr. Maciej Marchwiany (ICM, UW)
The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Natural Sciences
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a widely used tool in scientific work. AI not only enables advanced data analysis and visualization, but it can also be used to speed up numerical simulations by approximation of potentials or even replacing traditional simulations. Moreover, AI allows for quick searching of scientific publication databases and generating article summaries or information extraction. Additionally, AI and generative models are used more frequently for the comprehensive writing of scientific papers. During the talk I will introduce key concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning. I will present the applications of AI in science and the opportunities these tools offer to researchers. Finally, I will talk about the latest trends and the most interesting scientific projects involving the use of artificial intelligence.
The seminar will be held in hybrid mode: in room 1.40 (Faculty of Physics, UW) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 970 8446 6352, Passcode: 982002