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Seminarium "Modeling of Complex Systems"

sala 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5
2024-12-12 (15:15) Calendar icon
Dr. Sławomir Prucnal (HZDR, Dresden, Germany)

Non-equilibrium thermal processing of solids

Most of the scientists or users have a pragmatic approach to ms-range flash lamp annealing as a valuable tool. However, FLA differs in several aspects from conventional annealing like furnace or rapid thermal annealing which sometimes gives rise to unexpected results: (1) it is not performed in thermal equilibrium, (2) there are steep temperature gradients, (3) the resulting temperature profile strongly depends on the material system, and, (4) temperature measurement is challenging due to the very short processing times. However, the non-equilibrium approach has several advantages: it allows the treatment of temperature-sensible substrates, it allows specific dynamic processes like explosive crystallization or hyperdoping, and it suppresses unwanted processes like diffusion or segregation. In addition, it saves energy, costs and process times, and it is suitable for roll-to-roll applications. The the lecture will provide an overview of the most common applications of the FLA in semiconductor technology starting with silicon through metal oxides to monolayer thick van der Waals crystals.
The seminar is held in hybrid mode. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 970 8446 6352 Passcode: 982002


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