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Seminarium Fizyki Ciała Stałego

sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
2025-01-10 (10:15) Calendar icon
dr hab. Grzegorz Muzioł (Institute of High Pressure Physics Unipress PAS)

Advancements in growth of InGaN by MBE for novel optoelectronic devices

In this talk we will explore recent advancements in the growth of InGaN by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). A modification in the MBE system allowed us to obtain molecular beam fluxes of unprecedentedly high magnitude, previously unused in MBE of any other material system. This breakthrough has allowed us to investigate a new growth regime – high temperature growth. We will demonstrate that growing at higher temperatures reduces the incorporation of point defects and enhances the quantum efficiency of InGaN layers. Additionally, we will highlight the unique opportunities offered by the MBE technique in growing III-nitride heterostructures. Specifically, the ability to create low-resistivity tunnel junctions opens the door to new device concepts, such as light-emitting devices that operate in both forward and reverse bias [1], distributed feedback laser diodes with high spectral purity [2], and laser diode stacks for high-power operation [3], to name just a few. Lastly, we will address the challenges and future directions for MBE. The foundation for creating highly efficient structures via MBE has been established, and we anticipate that continued improvements in growth conditions will pave the way for the commercialization of novel devices that can only be achieved through the MBE technique. [1] M. Żak, G. Muziol, et al., Nature Communications 14, 7562 (2023). [2] G. Muziol, M. Hajdel, et al., Optics Express 28, 35321 (2020).[3] M. Siekacz, G. Muziol, et al., Optics Express 27, 5784-5791 (2019).


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