Seminarium Optyczne
sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
Emilia Witkowska (IF PAN)
Spin chains and squeezing: simple theoretical results
Entanglement in systems with single-particle control is a well-established resource of modern quantum technology. Spin-squeezing is a great example of such. Applied in an optical lattice clock it can reduce the statistical uncertainty of spectroscopic measurements.During the seminar, I will consider the dynamic generation of spin squeezing in spin chains. I will show how anisotropic interactions and inhomogeneous magnetic fields generate scalable spin squeezing when their magnitudes are sufficiently small, but not negligible. The simple models for collective spin will be shown to describe the dynamics effectively. I will also discuss the effect of nonuniform filling caused by hole doping, at a microscopic level, demonstrating their limiting role in the dynamics and scaling.