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Seminarium Zakładu Biofizyki

sala B2.38, ul. Pasteura 5
2025-01-17 (14:15) Calendar icon
dr hab. Anna Niedźwiecka (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)

Everything you always wanted to know about intrinsically disordered proteins (but were afraid to ask)

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are an important class of biomolecules that regulate biological processes in higher organisms. The lack of a fixed spatial structure facilitates their regulatory functions and allows the efficiency of biochemical reactions to be controlled by temperature and the cellular environment. From a biophysical point of view, IDPs are biopolymers with a wide configuration state space and their actual conformation depends on the non-covalent interactions of their amino acid side chain groups at a given temperature and chemical conditions.

During this seminar I will discuss the pitfalls in interpreting the molecular properties of IDPs and how we can understand the hydrodynamic parameters of proteins as a function of their structural features. I will also present our recent results on the properties, interactions and propensity to liquid-phase separation of cytoplasmic proteins involved in the regulation of human gene expression, as well as extracellular coral acid-rich proteins responsible for biomineralisation in the skeletal organic matrix, studied by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and confocal imaging.

Short Bio
Anna Niedźwiecka, PhD DSc
Interactions and Structural Dynamics of Biomolecules
Web of Science Core Coll.: 50 publications, 2048 citations, 4 publications cited > 100 times, H‐index 17; Google Scholar: 64 works cited 3169 times, H‐index 21
• D.Sc. (Habilitation) 2016 in biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS
• Ph.D. 2003 in physics, with honours, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics
• M.Sc. 1994 in biophysics, with honours, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics, Division of Biophysics
- 2018‐ Associate professor in Laboratory of Biological Physics, Institute of Physics PAS
- 2023‐2026 Vice‐Chair of Scientific Council of Institute of Physics PAS
- 2020‐2021 Head of laboratory at Institute of Physics PAS with accreditation for testing laboratory from Polskie Centrum Akredytacji (PCA) according to PN‐EN ISO/IEC 17025
- 2008‐2014 Scientific coordinator of the NanoFun Project POIG.02.02.00‐00‐025


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