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Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej

Sala Duża Teoretyczna (229), ul. Hoża 69
2010-04-23 (12:15) Calendar icon
dr So Takei (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart)

Nonequilibrium electron spectroscopy of Luttinger liquids

We theoretically study a Luttinger liquid (LL) driven out ofequilibrium by injection of high-energy electrons. Theelectrons are injected into the LL locally at a fixed energy,and their spectral properties are detected at another spatialpoint some distance away by evaluating the average tunnelingcurrent from the LL into a resonant level with tunable energy.For energies slightly below the injection energy, the dependenceof the detected current on the difference between injection anddetection energies is described by a power law whose exponentdepends continuously on the Luttinger parameter. In contrast,for tunneling into a chiral LL edge of a fractional quantum Hallstate from the Laughlin sequence, we find that the detectedcurrent grows linearly with energy difference, despite a decreasingdensity of states.


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