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Seminarium KMMF "Teoria Dwoistości"

sala seminaryjna KMMF, Hoża 74, Vp.
2010-10-28 (10:15) Calendar icon
Yuliya Kuznetsova (U Luxembourg)

Nonmeasurable products and continuity of group representations

It is known that there exist discontinuous weakly measurable unitary representationsof locally compact groups. We show that if one uses a bit stronger variant ofmeasurability, every measurable unitary representation turns out to be continuous.Another close result depends on the axioms of set theory: under Continuum hypothesis(or certain weaker assumptions) every measurable homomorphism from a locally compactgroup into any topological group is continuous. This relies, in turn, on thefollowing theorem (proved under the same assumptions): for every zero measure set Sin a locally compact group there is a set A such that AS is non-measurable.


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