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Seminarium Fizyki Wielkich Energii

Sala IPJ (22), ul. Hoża 69
2011-02-18 (10:15) Calendar icon
dr Patrick Decowski (NIKHEF)

Measuring Neutrino Properties and Geoneutrinos with KamLAND

KamLAND is a large underground neutrino detector located in Japan. The primary goal of the experiment is to measure neutrino properties by studying electron anti-neutrinos produced in the decay of radioactive products in nearby nuclear power reactors. KamLAND has provided strong evidence for neutrino oscillation by seeing the tell-tale distortion in the neutrino spectrum and measured key neutrino mixing parameters. A secondary goal of KamLAND is to study geologically produced neutrinos, which could provide valuable information about radiogenically produced heat in the Earth's mantle, a yet unknown quantity. I will describe the KamLAND experiment, the physics behind these two goals and show our recent results, with a special emphasis on our effortto constrain the theta13 mixing parameter.


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