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Seminarium Optyczne

Sala Seminaryjna Doświadczalna, ul. Hoża 69
2011-07-19 (10:15) Calendar icon
Maria Berdova, (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland)

Nanomechanical resonator made out of aluminum membrane

Nowadays one of the significant research goals is the observation of quantum phenomena in macroscopic objects. With the advent of nanomechanical systems experimental studies of quantum behavior has rapidly progressed in recent years. Nanoscale mechanical resonators have oscillations with high frequencies in the range from several MHz to the few GHz, so that it becomes possible with such frequencies to compare thermal energy to the quantum energy and to observe quantum-mechanical phenomena.The requirement for the leaving only zero-point quantum fluctuations is low temperatures which are easily attained in modern cryostats.The present seminar will present an overview of the nanoresonator made out of aluminum membrane: fabrication process, measurement setup and gained results.


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