Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej
Sala Duża Teoretyczna (229), ul. Hoża 69
So Takei (University of Maryland)
Neutral mode heat transport and fractional quantum Hall shot noise
We theoretically study nonequilibrium edge state transport in thefractional quantum Hall regime for the \nu=2/3 states which hosts acounter-propagating neutral mode. We first consider a setup in which theneutral mode on one of the edges is heated by a hot spot, and where heattransported by the neutral mode causes a temperature difference betweenthe upper and lower edges in a Hall bar. This temperature difference isprobed by the excess noise it causes for scattering across a quantum pointcontact. We find that the excess noise in the quantum point contactprovidesevidence for the counter-propagating neutral mode, and we calculate itsdependence on both the temperature difference between the edges and onsource-drain bias. We also study noise enhancement when the neutral modeson both edges are heated, and make connections of our theoretical pictureto the recent heat transport experiment on the \nu=2/3 state(arXiv:1109.0102).