Konwersatorium im. Leopolda Infelda
Nowa Auli (425), ul. Hoża 69
prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Lalak (IFT UW)
New scales in fundamental physics: supersymmetry and flavour
There are hints pointing towards new scales of fundamental physics: a bighierarchy scale near 1 TeV and a flavour hierarchy scale higher than 1TeV. The hierarchy scale can be understood via supersymmetry while theflavour scale can be understood in terms of family symmetries. Familysymmetry models need a flavour messenger sector which is intertwinedwith the supersymmetry breaking sector. A place where both scales can betested are rare flavour changing processes. Analysis of direct andindirect limits shows that experiments are entering the energy region of afew TeV where both scales can indeed be probed.This way we can gain an insight into the structure of the nearest levelBeyond the Standard Model theory.