Algebry operatorów i ich zastosowania w fizyce
sala seminaryjna KMMF, Hoża 74, Vp.
Jan Rudnik (IMPAN)
The K-theory of the triple-pullback C*-algebra of Toeplitz quantum projective spaces
Any triple-pullback C*-algebra is isomorphic with a certainiterated-pullback C*-algebra. This leads to a general method ofcomputing the K-theory of triple-pullback C*-algebras. This methodwill be applied to determine the K-groups of the C*-algebras of theToeplitz quantum real and complex projective spaces in dimension 2.The real case also needs an explicit formula for the even-to-oddconnecting homomorphism in the six-term Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence.This formula will be recalled and applied to derive the torsion partof the even K-group.