Konwersatorium im. Leopolda Infelda
Nowa Auli (425), ul. Hoża 69
Dr hab. Jakub Tworzydło (Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej Wydzialu Fizyki UW)
Majorana fermions in superconductors
Majorana fermions (particles which are their own antiparticle) canbe constructed in condensed matter context out of electron and holeexcitations. The necessary ingredients are the presence of a superconductor to hide the charge difference and a Berry phase toeliminate the energy of zero-point motion.
I will discuss a particular mechanism for the formation of Majorana bound states. An atomic-scale electrostatic line defect in a p-wavesuperconductor can have a pair of Majorana bound states at the end points. This mechanism explains also the appearance of a thermal metal in lattice models of p-wave superconductors. The transition to the metallic phase of deconfined Majorana states takes place as the electrostatic disorder is increased.