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Seminarium Fizyki Wielkich Energii

Sala Seminaryjna Teoretyczna, ul. Hoża 69
2013-06-14 (10:15) Calendar icon
prof. Brian Rebel (Fermilab)

Liquid Argon Detectors at Fermilab: From R&D to LBNE

Unusual place: SST!

Liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs) are an exciting new technology for neutrino detectors. This technology provides excellent position resolution that rivals bubble chamber images, but in a digital format. The striking advantage of liquid argon time projection chambers for neutrino physics is the ability to distinguish between electrons, produced in charged current interactions, and gammas, produced by the decay of neutral pions created in neutral current interactions, with high efficiency. This talk will outline the Fermilab R&D program aimed toward development of the multi-kiloton LBNE detector for long baseline neutrino physics.Results from the various aspects of the program will be presented, as well as the status of LBNE.


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