Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery
sala 17, ul. Pasteura 7
Ewan O'Connor (University of Reading, UK, and FMI, Finland)
Ground-based active remote sensing of clouds, aerosol and other atmospheric properties
Active remote sensing has the capability for providing profiles of atmospheric properties with high accuracy at extremely good temporal and spatial resolution. This presentation will explain the principles of various radar and lidar sytems, together with the atmospheric properties that can be obtained. Depending on how advanced the system is, properties can range from simple cloud and aerosol layer detection, to microphysical properties (such as size, and phase or composition). Doppler velocity information (possible from both radar and lidar) and/or mulitple wavelengths provide extra information. It is also possible to measure temperature, humidity, wind and turbulence, and examples of each of these will be included.
There will also be an introduction to European projects such as EARLINET (European Aerosol Research Lidar Network) using advanced multi-wavelength lidar systems to establish an aerosol climatology, and Cloudnet, which compared radar and lidar observations at several sites in Europe with the representation of clouds over these sites in a number of operational forecast models (these programmes have now been incorporated into the EU FP7 project ACTRIS - Aerosol Clouds and Trace gases InfraStructure network).
There will also be an introduction to European projects such as EARLINET (European Aerosol Research Lidar Network) using advanced multi-wavelength lidar systems to establish an aerosol climatology, and Cloudnet, which compared radar and lidar observations at several sites in Europe with the representation of clouds over these sites in a number of operational forecast models (these programmes have now been incorporated into the EU FP7 project ACTRIS - Aerosol Clouds and Trace gases InfraStructure network).