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Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego

Sala Seminaryjna Doświadczalna, ul. Hoża 69
2013-10-24 (11:15) Calendar icon
prof. Moshe Gai (Yale University)

Physics With Optical TPC and Gamma Beams

Optical Readout TPC (O-TPC) first developed during the late 1970s in the Laboratory of Georges Charpak at CERN are a very useful (and quite cheap) tool for measuring very rare events with simple geometrical topology. I will discuss nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics studies we are performing at the High Intensity gamma-ray Source (HigS) facility at Duke University in the USA and future applications to the ELI-NP facility in Bucharest, Romania.

Przed seminarium, od godz. 10:30, zapraszamy wszystkich na herbatę i ciastka do pokoju nr 21 (suterena).

T. Matulewicz, M. Pfützner, K. Rusek, W. Satuła


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