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Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego

Sala Seminaryjna Doświadczalna, ul. Hoża 69
2013-12-05 (11:15) Calendar icon
Dr Alessandro Bravar (Université de Genève)

The NA61 Experiment at CERN (current status and future prospects)

NA61 is a fixed target experiment at CERN studying nucler matter under extreme conditions using proton, pion, and heavy ion beams. First measurements with beryllium beams at various energies were performed in 2012. After a two year long technical stop of the CERN accelerators, NA61 will resume data taking at the end of 2014.

In this talk I will present the NA61 experiment and the physics program. I will then present recent measurements of hadron spectra obtained with different beams and different energies. In the second part of the talk I will focus on the upgrade of the NA61 data acquisition system. I will discuss in detail various waveform digitizing techniques and methods to obtain best timing. I will then illustrate the functioning and performance of the DRS waveform digitizer, which samples input analogue signals from various detectors at a rate of up to 5 Giga samples per second, which will be used in the upgrade of the NA61 readout.

Przed seminarium, od godz. 10:30, zapraszamy wszystkich na herbatę i ciastka do pokoju nr 21 (suterena).

T. Matulewicz, M. Pfützner, K. Rusek, W. Satuła


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