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Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej

Sala Duża Teoretyczna, ul. Hoża 69
2013-12-06 (12:15) Calendar icon
prof. Michał Kurzyński (Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza, Poznań)

Protein dynamics and the theory of biological molecular machines

All biological molecular machines can be formally considered as enzymesthat simultaneously catalyze two chemical reactions: the freeenergy-donating (input) reaction and the free energy-accepting (output)one. A challenge to the theory is to determine the value of the degree ofcoupling between both reaction fluxes and answer a question if this valuecan exceed unity. Most if not all enzymatic proteins display a slowstochastic dynamics of transitions between a variety of conformationalsubstates composing their native state. The value of the degree ofcoupling is related to mean first-passage times between various substates.A hypothesis is presented that the protein conformational transitionnetworks have evolved in a process of self-organized criticality anddisplay both scale-free and small-world or fractal organization. Studysimulations of random walks on several model networks indicate that thecase of the degree of coupling higher than one is realized in a naturalway for the scale-free critical branching trees extended by long-rangeshortcuts and having the small-world topology. For short-range shortcuts,the networks are fractal, and represent a reasonable model for themolecular machines with the tight coupling, i.e., with the degree ofcoupling value equal exactly to unity.


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