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Seminarium Optyczne

Sala Seminaryjna Doświadczalna, ul. Hoża 69
2013-12-19 (09:15) Calendar icon
dr Toby D. Young (Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN)

Modeling the structure of light atoms in weak to ultra-high magnetic fields

The response of quantum mechanical systems to externallyapplied perturbations, such as a magnetic field, provides informationabout their energetic structure. This talk gives an overview of somerecent developments in grid-based methods for modelling atoms inarbitrary strength magnetic fields. Wavelengths, oscillator strengths,and transition probabilities for electromagnetic transitions betweenlow-lying states of are investigated from laboratory field strengthsup to field strengths characteristic of neutron stars. The problem isthus relevant to astronomy and astrophysics, and atomic andsolid-state spectroscopy.


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