Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery
sala 17, ul. Pasteura 7
Igor Veselovskiy (Physics Instrumentation Center, Moscow)
Inversion of multiwavelength lidar measurements to get information about particle physical properties - ODWOŁANE
The different inversion techniques for estimation of physical particle properties such as size, concentration and complex refractive index from multiwavelength lidar measurements will be considered in presentation. Special emphasis will be made at regularization and linear estimation approaches, because these are widely used lidar community. Attention will be paid to the numerous issues of retrieval: particles nonsphericity, size and spectral dependence of refractive index, internal and external particle mixtures. The algorithms operation will by illustrated by examples of technique application to different types of aerosol and to the data gained by different lidar systems. Our vision of the strategy of multiwavelength lidars future developments will be also be given.