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Konwersatorium im. Leopolda Infelda

Nowa Auli (425), ul. Hoża 69
2014-01-09 (15:30) Calendar icon
Prof. dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Wójs (Institute of Physics, Wrocław University of Technology)

Composite fermions and topological quantum liquids

Composite fermions, loosely defined as bound states of electrons and magnetic flux quanta, are emergent particles in interacting 2D systems in high magnetic fields, originally proposed to unify fractional and integral quantum Hall effects. Recently this concept was applied to the most exotic topological electron phases characterized by non-Abelian quasiparticle statistics. In my talk, I will briefly review the ideas of composite fermions, topological order, and braid statistics, and present an original extension of the composite fermion model to describe in an intuitive fashion the emergence of non-Abelian statistics in to so-called parafermion fractional quantum Hall states, especially attractive in the context of topological quantum computation.


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