Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery
sala 17, ul. Pasteura 7
Justice Archer (Laser Spectroscopy Group, IF PAN)
Investigation of surface of drying droplet of suspension
The method of formation of nanoparticle aggregates such as high-coverage spherical shells of microspheres or 3-D micro crystals grown in the geometry unaffected by a substrate would be described. I will present electrodynamic trapping of single levitated droplet using the Paul type quadrupole ion trap. Additionally, the evaporation of single levitated microdroplets of suspension containing dielectric spherical inclusions investigated by scattering of light would be presented. The talk will also focus on our current model which enables identification of interaction of surface structures of inclusions with Whispering Gallery Modes acting as a spherical cavity resonator. Subsequently, successive stages of drying processes analyzed by the intensity of light elastically scattered by the evaporating droplet will be shown.