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Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych

Sala Duża Teoretyczna, ul. Hoża 69
2014-02-20 (10:30) Calendar icon
Eric Brown (IFT UW)

Oscillator Detectors for Probing Quantum Phenomena

A widely used approach to better understand open quantum phenomena, in particular from an operational point of view, is to utilize system-bath models. We gain insight by seeing how large systems affect a "detector" system. In this talk I will introduce a detector-formalism that utilizes the simplicity of Gaussian quantum mechanics and that can be used to nonperturbatively probe a large variety of bosonic systems. For example the model has application to relativistic and quantum informational phenomenon (e.g. Unruh effect, entanglement harvesting, quantum communication), quantum optics in general (e.g. phenomena beyond the rotating-wave approximation), and many-body physics (e.g. evolution of entanglement entropy during non-equilibrium processes), all computed without relying on perturbation theory. I will discuss the model formally before showing several examples of its use in physical systems.


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