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Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego

Sala Seminaryjna Doświadczalna, ul. Hoża 69
2014-02-27 (11:15) Calendar icon
dr. Dymitar Tarpanov (IFT UW and Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bułgaria)

Polarization corrections to single-particle energies

In this work, we investigate the two most common polarization models. A straight-forward definition for polarization corrections to single-particle energies is using the odd-even mass differences. Another way to treat the same problem is introducing the particle-vibration coupling (PVC). Using the diagonal approximation to PVC we systematically study the differences among PVC calculations, and blocked mean field calculations. Full PVC calculations have been performed in order to examine if the PVC can solely improve the spectroscopic predictive power of the functionals used in mean-field calculations.


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