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Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego

Sala Seminaryjna Doświadczalna, ul. Hoża 69
2014-05-22 (11:15) Calendar icon
prof. Maria J.G. Borge (ISOLDE, CERN and Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Madrid)

The ISOLDE Facility, recent highlights and the HIE-ISOLDE project

The On-Line Isotope Mass Separator ISOLDE at the CERN Proton-Synchrotron Booster (PSB) is a facility dedicated to the production of a large variety of radioactive ion beams for many different experiments in the fields of nuclear and atomic physics, materials science and life sciences. The facility has garnered unique expertise in radioactive beams over the last 45 years. The nuclear physics studies focused at first on fundamental properties (mass, spin, magnetic moments, decay modes) of exotic nuclei using low energy beams of 30-60 keV. New fields of research opened up in 2001 when the Radioactive beam EXperiment, REX, started operation and allowed reaction experiments to be carried out up to 3.1 MeV/u. Unique feature of REX-ISOLDE is that essentially all isotopes produced can be charge-bred and accelerated further. In a decade of physics with post-accelerated beams beautiful results have been obtained. Elastic, inelastic scattering, and transfer reaction yielded important and unique information in the structure of exotic nuclei. The HIE ISOLDE upgrade (HIE stands for High Intensity and Energy), intends to improve the experimental capabilities at ISOLDE over a wide front [2]. The main feature is to boost the energy of the beams, going in steps from currently 3.1 MeV/u via 5 MeV/u to finally 10 MeV/u, and to accommodate a roughly fourfold increase in intensity. In the presentation a description of the facility, recent ISOLDE highlights, and the HIE-ISOLDE project with approved day-one experiments will be presented.
Przed seminarium, od godz. 10:30, zapraszamy wszystkich na herbatę i ciastka do pokoju nr N021 (suterena).


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