Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej
Sala Duża Teoretyczna, ul. Hoża 69
Prof. Tadeusz Domański (Institute of Physics, M. Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin)
Interplay between superconductivity and electron correlationsin the nanoscopic structures
Whenever quantum impurities are present in the bulk superconductors theyusually have a detrimental influence, either breaking the electron pairsor spoiling their long-range coherence. Recently a different kind ofrelationship attracts, however, a considerable amount of interest. Thereare numerous activities addressing the following question 'how can thesuperconducting reservoirs affect the quantum impurities if they arebrought in a contact ?'. In such circumstances the proximity effectspreads electron pairing onto the quantum impurities, converting them into'superconducting grains'. This effect plays a crucial role inhetero-structures, where the quantum dots are embedded between two (ormore) external reservoirs, forming the single electron transistors. Byvarying the gate potential one can then observe the quantum phasetransitions from the BCS-type to the singly occupied configurations.Furthermore, at sufficiently low temperatures also the Kondo physics canbe confronted with the electron pairing in a fully controllable manner [R.Maurand, Ch. Schonenberger, Physics 6, 75 (20013)]. I shall give a surveyon these and similar issues, both with regard tothe recent theoretical studies and experimental realizations.