Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej
sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
Tomasz Sowiński (IF PAN)
From 'one' to 'many'. Simulating few-body physics with a few ultra-cold fermions
Quantum few-body systems are believed to form unexplored bridge betweenone- and two-body physics, well described with standard methods ofquantum mechanics, and many-body world where collective properties ofquantum particles have to be taken into account in the framework ofstatistical mechanics. In nowadays experiments on ultra-cold atoms it ispossible to engineer, to control, and to perform measurements on systemsof a few fermions effectively confined in one-dimensional traps. Thisamazing experimental progress has inspired theoreticians to reformulateold and to formulate new questions on the properties of a mesoscopicnumber of quantum particles.