Seminarium Optyczne
sala 1.02, ul. Pasteura 5
dr. Akira Ozawa (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany)
Direct frequency comb spectroscopy of trapped ions
Trapped and laser-cooled ions are ideal targets for high precisionspectroscopy. Conventionally high precision spectroscopy has beenperformed by utilizing narrow linewidth continuous wave (cw) lasers.Alternatively, single comb mode of optical frequency comb can alsoexcite the target transition. Such direct frequency comb spectroscopy(DFCS) is a promising method for spectroscopy in ultravioletwavelengths where appropriate cw laser does not exist. In this talk, Idescribe our proof of principle demonstrations of DFCS of trapped Mg+ions in deep-UV region. DFCS can be extended into vacuum ultraviolet(VUV) region by using frequency comb generated via high harmonicgeneration. Our recent progress towards comb spectroscopy of trappedHe+ ions at 60nm will also be presented.