Konwersatorium im. Leopolda Infelda
Nuclear Science and Technology in National Centre for Nuclear Research after first 5 years
The National Centre for Nuclear Research commenced operations on September 1, 2011. The Polish Government's decision to merge POLATOM Institute for Atomic Energy (IEA) and the Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ) has ended an almost 30-year-long period, during which the Swierk Research Center remained fragmented. The former Institute for Nuclear Research has been brought back to life under a new name and with a new set of tasks to accomplish.
NCBJ conducts pure and applied research in broadly understood nuclear physics, elementary particle physics, astroparticle, plasma physics. The Institute specializes in accelerator physics and technology, material research with nuclear techniques, the development of spectrometric techniques, nuclear electronics. The Institute operates the multifunctional nuclear research reactor MARIA. Radioisotope Centre POLATOM is located in the structure of NCBJ. POLATOM develops techniques for practical application of radioisotopes in various sectors, among them the majority of products and services is used in health care.
I will present the current scientific activity of NCBJ, plans, and vision for the future development.