Seminarium "The Trans-Carpathian Seminar on Geometry & Physics"
sala 106 IM PAN, ul. Śniadeckich 8, Ip
Mikołaj Rotkiewicz (MIMUW)
Polarisation of graded bundles
Abstract: Graded bundles can be viewed as a natural generalization of vector bundles. In short, they are locally trivial fibered bundles with fibers possessing a structure of a graded space, i.e. a manifold diffeomorphic to Rn with a distinguished class of global coordinates with positive integer weights assigned. In a special case when these weights are all equal to 1, a graded space becomes a standard vector space and a graded bundle - a vector bundle. The fundamental example of a graded bundle isthe k-th order tangent bundle of a manifold M. Can we turn graded bundles in the realm of vector bundles? We shall construct a functor which takes a graded bundle of degree k and produces a k-fold vector bundle, mimicking the the canonical embedding TkM into TT...T M. Can we linearise other graded structures in similar way? What is the image of the linearisation functor? Similar question will be discussed. Based on a joint paper with A. J. Bruce and J. Grabowski