Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego
sala 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5
prof. Kirby W. Kemper (Florida State University, USA)
Future plans for nuclear physics in the United State and some current studies
For the past four years, the US nuclear physics community has been working on future long range plans as well as making far reaching research choices based on different out-year budget plans for the field. The process by which the final reports are presented to the Federal funding agencies (Department of Energy and National Science Foundation) will be discussed as well as their conclusions. The role of work force development in these discussions and the employment statistics of US PhD graduates and their accuracy will be presented. The current status of the FRIB (Facility for Radioactive Ion Beams) accelerator project will be shown. In addition, a nuclear physics project that makes use of the 26Alm (d,p) reaction to probe possible pathways for the production of 27Si to selectively populate 1 /2+,T=3/2 states in 27Al will be shown. If time permits, other nuclear physics topics such as the use of known mirror states to produce final level structures for the 15N-15O mirror pair and its comparison to modern shell model calculations will be discussed.