Konwersatorium im. Leopolda Infelda
sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
Prof. dr hab. Mikołaj Misiak (Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej Wydziału Fizyki UW)
B-meson physics anomalies
The name "B-meson physics anomalies" is commonly used for observed 2-4 sigma deviations from predictions of the Standard Model (SM) in certain decays of the B meson. They occur mainly in processes that proceed only via Feynman diagrams with loops in the SM, and are therefore quite sensitive to possible existence of beyond-SM particles. Interestingly, the deviations allow for explanations in terms of extraU(1) gauge bosons or leptoquarks. On the other hand, their statistical significance is still too low to claim breakdown of the SM, while doubts concerning underestimation of theoretical uncertainties exist in certain cases.