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Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery

sala 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5
2017-05-23 (12:15) Calendar icon
Prof. Erland Källén (Director of Research at European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasts - ECMWF, Reading, UK)

Global weather forecasting for Europe

ECMWF was set up more than 40 years ago to deliver medium range (3-10 days) weather predictions for Europe. ECMWF is an intergovernmental organisation working for its European member and co-operating states. A global, numerical modelling approach has been adopted and today ECMWF is the world leader in medium range global weather prediction. The research done at ECMWF delivers new methods that continuously improves the quality of the predictions. Data assimilation methods that enables the use of satellite as well as in situ observations to define accurate initial states as well as improved modelling of Earth System components with an ever increasing spatial resolution all contribute to the improved predictions. ECMWF also acts as a European focal point for the science of numerical weather prediction. Through research collaborations, visitor programmes, training events and seminars and workshops ECMWF attracts world class scientists. A high performance computing facility is available for operational forecast production, research experimentation and member state usage. In addition to medium range weather forecasts ECMWF also produces extended range forecasts (monthly to seasonal), atmospheric composition forecasts and climate reanalyses.


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